Monday, November 4, 2013


So for the past two weeks I have not had to go to school. Why you may ask? Because Germany is amazing and has a two week long fall break called Herbstferien. For the first week of break I didn't have much planned and mostly hung out at home. We were dog sitting for some friends who were on away on vacation and it was so great to have a dog in the house again, I miss mine a lot. I went on a day trip to a place called Festung Königstein with my host family. It is an old fort about 20 miles from the Chez Republic border and the view was absolutely breathtaking. The fort overlooked a river and a couple small towns as well as the mountains. All that combined with the fall colors made for a gorgeous view. On Monday, I took a train to Dresden by myself for the day and went shopping and walked around the city. It was really fun to explore the city on my own. I love public transportation in Germany because it makes it so easy to do things like go to Dresden for the day! A few days later I drove all the way across Germany with my host dad to visit friends in Wiesbaden, a city outside of Frankfurt. We spent a night with them in Wiesbaden and then walked around Frankfurt the next day before driving back to Riesa. That night we went to a party at a the house of the friends we had dog sat for. It was really fun to see all of them and get to know them better! On Tuesday of the second week of break, my host family and I went on a trip to Hamburg. It is an absolutely gorgeous city! The first night we were there, we were walking around a mall because it was rainy outside. We go into this little shop where they sell tickets to all the events in Hamburg. Long story short, we somehow managed to get 4 tickets to the sold out Bruno Mars concert that was starting in an hour. We hopped on the train to get to the arena and got there about 20 minutes before the show started! Sadly, I wasn't allowed to bring in my camera so I don't really have any good pictures of the show but it was absolutley amazing nonetheless! The next day, we walked around the harbor and downtown Hamburg some more. On Thursday, we left Hamburg and drove to Rostock, a city on the Baltic Sea. First we went to a beach town called Warnemünde and walked around for awhile. Then, we went to the friend's house where we stayed for the night in Rostock. The next day, we went into downtown Rostock and walked around for awhile. We then started the long drive back down to Riesa. All in all, Herbstferien was amazing! I got to see so many places in Germany and I had a great time spending time with my host family, I'll miss them!


The view from Festung Königstein







  1. Hey Danielle, my name is Cameron and I am applying for the 2014-2015 scholarship. I have a few questions about the program and I would love your input. I saw you live in NC, so do I! My email is is you ever have the time... I hope you are having a wonderful time in Germany (:

  2. Hey! I would be happy to answer some questions! Also, feel free to add me on facebook, it's the easiest way to get in touch with me! Good luck with your application! :)

    1. That would be awesome! What is your name in facebook?
